1.3 Shareware, Student and Advanced Versions You should register with the author if you use SymbMath. Please read all *.TXT files before running SymbMath. Please copy-and- past examples in the Help window to practise. The printed documents (100+ pages) is available from author. If you get the SymbMath on ZIP format (e.g. sm32a.zip), you should unzip it with parameter -d by pkunzip -d sm32a c:\symbmath Or on the MS-DOS prompt to install it, type Install On the MS-DOS prompt to run it, type SymbMath SymbMath has three versions: Shareware Version A, Student Version B and Advanced Version C. The Shareware version lacks the solve(), trig (except sin(x) and cos(x)), and hyperbolic functions, (lack 10% keywords) and the student version lacks the hyperbolic functions (lack 5% keywords). You cannot input these lack functions in Shareware or student version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version Class Lacked Functions Price Shareware A solve(), hyperbolic, US$10 or AU$10 trig (except sin(x), cos(x)) Student B hyperbolic US$60 or AU$75 Advanced C US$99 or AU$120 Libraries *.li US$20 or AU$25 Manual printed US$20 or AU$25 ........................................................................................................................... Upgrade same 50% ........................................................................................................................... Multiple copies >2 80% ........................................................................................................................... Site licence >10 copies 50% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Other foreign money is accepted at the current exchange rate. You must provide the photocopy of your license or license number for upgrades. If you send the author your payment by cheque, money order or bank draft that must be drawn in Australia, you will get the latest version. If you sign the license (see the LICENSE.TXT file) and send it to the author, you will be a legal user for upgrades. If you write a paper about this software on publication, you will get a free upgrade. Its three versions (Shareware, Student, and Advanced) are available from the author. The Shareware version is available from anonymous FTP sites (e.g. oak.oakland.edu in /pub/msdos/calculat/sm32a.zip).